Poor Winston's too busy to play with his friends - he is off to the vet with a great big splinter in his paw, and there's absolutely nothing worse than having a splinter in your paw, or so Winston thinks. But what Winston doesn't see as he crosses the busy city is that unlike his friends, he's one very lucky pup! If only he would look around and see the chaos he leaves behind him . . . but having a splinter can be very distracting.
A bright, bold and brilliantly funny book.
About the Author
Pamela Duncan Edwards grew up in the Wirral, but has spent most of her adult life in the USA. She worked as a children's librarian before becoming a writer and is now the bestselling author of over 30 children's books, including for Macmillan: I'M BIG ENOUGH NOW (978-0-333-99049-0) CATCH THAT KITTEN (978-0-333-96445-3) and two titles with the illustrator Deborah Allwright; DINOSAUR STARTS SCHOOL (978-1-4050-3511-8) and DINOSAUR SLEEPOVER (978-0-3305-0955-8).
Benji Davies lives and works in London, where he divides his time between illustrating children's books and directing animations, commercials, short films and promos. Benji has worked with a number of UK publishers and illustrated the BUSY LITTLE BUGS pop-up titles for Campbell Books. This is Benji's first picture book for Macmillan and features a vibrant New York setting, inspired by Benji's love of the city and classic covers from the New Yorker magazine.
Book Information
ISBN 9781405089821
Author Pamela Duncan Edwards
Format Paperback
Page Count 32
Imprint Macmillan Children's Books
Publisher Pan Macmillan
Weight(grams) 165g
Dimensions(mm) 270mm * 216mm * 5mm