A scorching new installment of the wildly popular Lucky series, Vendetta finds Lucky in the most perilous situation of her life when her prized Panther Studios is taken from her by Donna Landsman, the unscrupulous widow of Lucky's arch-enemy, Santino Bonnatti. Donna intends to destroy Lucky in every way she can, but Lucky is street-smart, powerful, and just as ruthlessly dangerous. And so the battle for control begins.
With Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge, Jackie Collins proves once again why she is an international powerhouse, a writer who digs deep into the glamorous, intoxicating - yet ultimately treacherous - world of Hollywood.
About the Author
There have been many imitators but only ever one Jackie Collins. The iconic British author was called 'the definition of a class act' by Graham Norton and a 'smart, talented and gorgeous woman who paved the road for many of us' by Sandra Bullock. With millions of her books sold in more than forty countries, and with thirty-one international bestsellers to her credit, she is one of the world's top-selling novelists. Her first novel, The World Is Full of Married Men, was published in 1968 and established Jackie as an author who dared to step where no other female writers had gone before. Jackie was awarded an OBE in 2013 for her services to literature and charity. When accepting the honour she said to the Queen, 'Not bad for a school drop-out' - a revelation capturing her belief that both passion and determination can lead to big dreams coming true. Jackie Collins lived in Beverly Hills where she had a front row seat to the lives she so accurately captured in her compulsive plotlines. She was a creative force, a trailblazer for women in fiction and, in her own words, 'A kick-ass writer!'
Book Information
ISBN 9781849836296
Author Jackie Collins
Format Paperback
Page Count 576
Imprint Simon & Schuster Ltd
Publisher Simon & Schuster Ltd