The Art of Hotel Transylvania 2 showcases the incredible artwork featured in the upcoming animated fantasy comedy film produced by Sony Pictures Animation, Hotel Transylvania 2, directed by Genndy Tartakovsky and written by Robert Smigel. The story follows the old-old-old-fashioned vampire Vlad, who arrives at the hotel for an impromptu family get-together, leading to a collision of supernatural old-school and modern day cool.
Features, reviews and interviews in national press. Features, reviews and interviews in film, entertainment art and design. Review across film and entertainment websites. Promotion through social media and on Titan Books website. Hotel Transylvania 2 premieres in the UK on 9 October 2015.
About the Author
Rector was editor in chief of Star Wars Insider and is co-author of Art of Star Wars The Force Unleashed. Brooks is a film director, screenwriter, comedian, actor, producer, composer, songwriter and the voice of Vlad.
Book Information
ISBN 9781783298815
Author Brett Rector
Format Hardback
Page Count 144
Imprint Titan Books Ltd
Publisher Titan Books Ltd