Itsuki Shimomiya, exhausted office worker, has hit the jackpot...right? Reborn in a fantastical world, Itsuki finds himself with a magical skill that generates fat stacks of cash once a day. It should let him finally relax without having to bother with your usual fantasy fuss of slaying monsters, but otherworldly cost of living is higher than you'd think. With his wit and otherworldly knowledge, can Itsuki finally create a relaxing life for himself? Series Overview: Itsuki Shimomiya, exhausted office worker, has hit the jackpot...right? Reborn in a fantastical world, Itsuki finds himself with a magical skill that generates fat stacks of cash once a day. It should let him finally relax without having to bother with your usual fantasy fuss of slaying monsters, but otherworldly cost of living is higher than you'd think. With his wit and otherworldly knowledge, can Itsuki finally create a relaxing life for himself?
About the AuthorShige is a Japanese author best known for
Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!).Nagayori is a Japanese artist best known for
Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!) (Manga).Book InformationISBN 9781685795269
Author ShigeFormat Paperback
Page Count 170
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLCPublisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Weight(grams) 147g
Dimensions(mm) 182mm * 127mm * 14mm