Humanity is threatened by a scourge of supernatural beings known as the Grotesques. Dorothy, a nun of the Crimson Sisters, is tasked with their destruction. Now that she has taken half-vampire Maria under her wing to wield her as a weapon against the horde, they take up arms and stalk their quarry relentlessly. After days on the prowl, they pick up the trail of a high-ranking vampire who will test Maria's powers and her aim to the absolute limit!
About the Author
Wataru Mitogawa is a Japanese manga creator best known for illustrating the manga adaptation of hit anime Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, as well as writing and illustrating the manga Samurai Edge and GUNBURED x SISTERS.
Book Information
ISBN 9781638582854
Author Wataru Mitogawa
Format Paperback
Page Count 176
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Weight(grams) 159g
Dimensions(mm) 181mm * 128mm * 14mm