Economic Thought and Political Theory, concentrates on the ideas of Plato, Steuart, Mill, Schumpeter, Hayek, Buchanan, the Catholic social economists and the property-rights tradition. The focus is dual: the market and the State. As interdisciplinary as the modern mixed economy, as contemporary as the search for middle way, Economic Thought and Political Theory will be of interest to all thinkers determined to find a good balance between individuals' autonomy and governmental leadership.
Springer Book Archives
` ... the book is highly recommended to readers interested in an open discussion of ideas from very heterogeneous approaches to a common theme, past and present - the problem of choice between state and the market.'
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 154:2 (1998)
Book Information
ISBN 9789401046046
Author David Reisman
Format Paperback
Page Count 239
Imprint Springer
Publisher Springer