Costis Skiadas has given us the definitive self-contained treatment of neoclassical asset pricing theory. There is nothing more rigorous, elegant, or thoughtful on the subject. -- Darrell Duffie, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Asset Pricing Theory is a significant contribution to the field because it fills a void and does so in a masterful way. It will be useful to economists, mathematicians, financial engineers, and physicists who wish to read a high-level and rigorous development of the subject. I predict that this book will remain a standard reference for many years to come. -- George M. Constantinides, University of Chicago
About the Author
Costis Skiadas is the Harold L. Stuart Professor of Finance at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.
"Costis Skiadas has hit a grand-slam with Asset Pricing Theory which fills a great void. It will speak to you in a well-designed, and thoughtful manner encouraging you to read a high-level and rigorous development of the subject regardless of your age, profession or position as economists, mathematicians, financial engineers, and physicists. I am adding it to my 'must read list' for my students and associates. I predict that Asset Pricing Theory will establish itself as a standard reference for many years to come, and this is the quality I admire--a quality that can only be born from experience. Read this book if you want to lead an organization, or lead the way."--Current Engineering Practice "I am sure any ambitious student who has read it will be drawn into the field immediately... I like the book very much and would recommend it for use in any serious asset pricing theory subject."--Qi Zeng, Economic Record
Book Information
ISBN 9780691139852
Author Costis Skiadas
Format Hardback
Page Count 368
Imprint Princeton University Press
Publisher Princeton University Press
Weight(grams) 765g