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About Booksplease
Welcome to Booksplease, an online book retailer operated by Aphrohead Ltd, located at 277a Wennington Rd, Southport, PR9 7TW, United Kingdom.

Our mission is to provide customers with an unparalleled shopping experience by offering an extensive range of books at competitive prices, coupled with exceptional customer service. We are passionate about books and take pride in our ability to source titles from all over the world, including hard-to-find and out-of-print editions.

Over the past nineteen years, we have grown significantly and have employed over 100 staff at our main distribution warehouse in Southport. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently, and we are committed to providing a seamless online shopping experience.

Thank you for choosing Booksplease, we appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.

What we offer
Great priced books.

How long have you been going?
Since 2005!

How can I contact you?
Via our websites contact us page.


Tel: (+44)1704 540068