About the Author
Felice Cimatti teaches philosophy of language at the University of Calabria, where he co-founded the Centre for Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Studies, and at the Istituto Freudiano in Rome. He is editor of the Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio and in 2012 received the Musatti prize from the Italian Psychoanalytical Society. He co-hosts the radio programme Fahrenheit for RA13 and writes about culture for Il manifesto. His publications include Il senso della mente. Per una critica del cognitivismo (Bollati Boringhieri, 2004); Il volto e la parola. Per una psicologia superficiale (2007); Filosofia della psicoanalisi. Un'introduzione in ventuno passi (with Silvia Vizzardelli, 2012), Corpo, linguaggio e societa (with Alberto Luchetti, 2013) all published by Quodlibet; La vita che verra. Biopolitica per Homo sapiens (ombrecorte, 2011); Filosofia dell'animalita (Laterza, 2013); and A come animale. Per un bestiario dei sentimenti (with Leonardo Caffo, Bompiani, 2015). Christoph Demmerling is Professor of theoretical philosophy at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. He is co-editor of the Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie. His main research areas are philosophy of emotions, philosophy of language, and phenomenology. His many publications include Sinn, Bedeutung, Verstehen. Untersuchungen zu Sprachphilosophie und Hermeneutik (2002) and Philosophie der Gefuhle. Von Achtung bis Zorn (2007; with Hilge Landwer). Pietro Garofalo studied philosophy at the University of Calabria and completed his PhD in the Philosophy Department of the University of Palermo in 2011. He was a visiting doctoral candidate at the University of Munster and at the Goethe University Frankfurt. He is a member of the editorial board of the "Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio"; he is also the editor of "Frammenti di realta sociale" (LiminaMentis, 2015), co-editor with Michael Quante of "Lo spettro e tornato. Attualita della filosofia di Marx" (Mimesis, 2017) and editor and translator of Michael Quante's volume "Studi sulla filosofia di Karl Marx" (FrancoAngeli, 2018). His research interests include philosophy of language, social ontology and philosophy of money.
Book Information
ISBN 9788869773808
Author Felice Cimatti
Format Paperback
Page Count 162
Imprint Mimesis International
Publisher Mimesis International