This is the powerful, intriguing and highly amusing story of Robin Oake, a Christian police officer who has found a strong, sustaining faith through the tough times. An entertaining, touching and often fdlaugh-out-loudfd account of an incredible life, laced with the infectious humour of a man who has really lived his life fully for God. Even the murder of his son, Stephen - a member of the Special Branch, Manchester didn't affect his view of policing as a great vocation - he urges us to judge for ourselves as he shares his extraordinary life story.
About the AuthorRobin Oake was a policeman in Manchester whose son was murdered. He has written Father Forgive as an account of the trauma of this experience and how he was able to forgive the murders, most recently he has written Gilbert Was Wrong! - Editorial Review.
Book InformationISBN 9781850788775
Author Robin OakeFormat Paperback
Page Count 170
Imprint Authentic MediaPublisher Authentic Media
Weight(grams) 217g
Dimensions(mm) 130mm * 197mm * 18mm