Investors who build diversified, multi-asset portfolios, have an ever increasing range of investment assets at their disposal. In order to invest effectively - and build a solid, performing portfolio - it is essential for investors to understand each of these single asset classes and how to use them in portfolios. The Investment Assets Handbook covers the full spectrum of different asset classes and investment types available today, providing investors with the definitive information they need to reach an understanding of the broad range of investment assets. The Handbook is divided into four parts: an introduction to asset classes, including how they should be defined, the main features that can be used to characterise asset classes and the roles that different assets fulfil within a multi-asset portfolio; traditional assets, including global equities, fixed income and cash; alternative assets, including real estate, commodities, private equity and hedge funds; and, new alternative investments, including currency, infrastructure, structured finance, leveraged loans, structured products, alternative or smart betas, volatility, art, insurance-linked securities and timber.Each asset chapter within these sections provides a description of the asset and its characteristics, its historic performance, how to model its future long-term performance, the role it performs in a multi-asset portfolio, its risks, how to access it, and other relevant topics. Long-term investment themes that may impact the future behaviour of assets and investing generally are also highlighted and discussed. The Investment Assets Handbook is the essential guide that investors need as they navigate the universe of investment assets and build multi-asset portfolios.
About the AuthorYoram Lustig is a multi-asset portfolio manager and author. He has been professionally managing assets since 2002 and writing since 2012. In 2013 he joined AXA Investment Managers as Head of Multi-Asset Investments (MAI) UK and Deputy Global Head of MAI and has been the lead fund manager of AXA IM Smart Diversified Growth Fund since its launch in April 2014. From 2009 to 2012, he was Head of Multi-Asset Funds at Aviva Investors, leading the multi-asset team and managing a range of multi-billion pound, multi-asset portfolios, focusing on institutional investors. From 2002 to 2009 he was head of portfolio construction at Merrill Lynch, managing multi-asset discretionary portfolios, focusing on wealthy individuals. He began his career in 1998 as a lawyer, specialising in corporate, financial and commercial law. Yoram is also the author of Multi-Asset Investing: A practical guide to modern portfolio management. He was awarded the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) designation in 2007; the Professional Risk Manager (PRM) certification in 2005; the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2004; an MBA from London Business School in 2002; and a law degree from Tel Aviv University in 1997. He is admitted to both the Israel and New York State Bars. Yoram had studied Electrical Engineering for two years in the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology prior to his military service. He lives in London, he is married and a father of two young children.
Book InformationISBN 9780857194015
Author Yoram LustigFormat Paperback
Page Count 472
Imprint Harriman House PublishingPublisher Harriman House Publishing