A blow-by-blow unearthing of the places where the Beat writers first came to full bloom: the flat where Ginsberg wrote "Howl;" Gary Snyder's zen cottage in Berkeley; the ghostly railroad yards where Kerouac and -Cassady toiled; the pads where Jack & Neal & Carolyn lived; Ferlinghetti's favorite haunts. This meticulous guide also brings to light never-before-heard stories about Corso, Bob Kaufman, DiPrima, Kyger, Lamantia and other West Coast Beats. A entertaining read as well as a practical walking (and driving) tour that covers the entire Bay Area. With an introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Bill Morgan is a painter and archival consultant working in New York City. He is the author of The Beat Generation in New York: A Walking Tour of Jack Kerouac's City.
About the AuthorLawerence Ferlinghetti is the famous Beat poet and painter who founded City Lights Books in San Francisco.His most recent books are How To Paint Sunlight (poetry) and Love in the Days of Rage (fiction).
Reviews"For travellers who wish to drive and walk the paths of the Beats and Bohemians; San Francisco is your destination and your luggage is this book ... and the obligatory packet of cigarettes of course as every Beat loves a good smoke or two."-Book Spew
Book InformationISBN 9780872864177
Author Bill MorganFormat Paperback
Page Count 240
Imprint City Lights BooksPublisher City Lights Books
Weight(grams) 283g