About the Author
Simon St. Laurent is a web developer, network administrator, computer book author, and XML troublemaker living in Ithaca, NY. His books include XML: A Primer, XML Elements of Style, Building XML Applications, Cookies, and Sharing Bandwidth. He is a contributing editor to and an occasional contributor to Joe Johnston is a software engineer at O'Reilly & Associates. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts in Boston with a B.A. in computer science, he is a teacher, web designer, and author of articles for Perl Journal,, and IBM's DeveloperWorks. Joe helps maintain the ASP XML-RPC library and wrote the Perl module Edd Dumbill is managing editor of, part of the O'Reilly Network, and founding editor of, a daily news site for XML developers. He maintains the XML-RPC support classes for the PHP scripting language. Edd lives in York, England.
'This is a good book and, if this is an area of programming that interests you, simply buy a copy and save yourself hours of trial and error.' - Mike James, Computer Shopper, October 2001
Book Information
ISBN 9780596001193
Page Count 213
Imprint O'Reilly Media
Publisher O'Reilly Media