Preparing for the TOEFL exam? Why not study with the only guide on the market that contains real TOEFL questions pulled from recent exams? The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test is most complete and reliable guide to the test that is used to meet English-language proficiency requirements at more than 10,000 institutions worldwide. This updated sixth edition includes real TOEFL questions for practice, as well as explanations of every section of the test and information on what is expected for every speaking and writing task.
You will learn how to construct a proper answer and how to integrate speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate college-level English proficiency. The accompanying online content includes four authentic TOEFL practice tests just like the one you will encounter on test day.
The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT Test, Sixth Edition Features:
* 4 full-length practice TOEFL tests (available in the book and online for download)
* Hundreds of authentic TOEFL test questions and essay topics
* Test-taking strategies directly from the test maker
* Answer keys, self-scoring guides, and more
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McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide
Book Information
ISBN 9781260470352
Author Educational Testing Service
Format Paperback
Page Count 704
Imprint McGraw-Hill Education
Publisher McGraw-Hill Education
Weight(grams) 1576g
Dimensions(mm) 274mm * 218mm * 36mm