Zendoodling, the popular process of relaxation through drawing, uses repeating shapes or patterns to create an image. Whether you're a first time Zendoodler or an experienced one, all you need is a pen, paper, and this guide. Step-by-step instructions show how to draw all four versions of the basic pattern model: surface, geometric, scatter, and band patterns. Then you're ready to take off to a creative and freer state of mind! More than 100 new and versatile patterns are included, along with templates that you can easily trace or enlarge. This guide offers new animal, nature, and other motifs, plus suggestions on the many beautiful Zendoodles to create from everyday objects, color experiments to try, or how to incorporate special backgrounds. Exact step sequences ensure you'll get both relaxing moments of drawing and magical Zendoodles. Includes a handy pattern index.
About the AuthorSusanne Schaadt is a relaxation therapist, and incorporates meditation and creativity into her work. She spent many years as a therapist for children and young people, and now works as an artist and author of works on painting, creative design, and art education.
Book InformationISBN 9780764352898
Author Susanne SchaadtFormat Paperback
Page Count 80
Imprint Schiffer Publishing LtdPublisher Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Weight(grams) 59g