-Robert Giacalone, John Carroll University, US
Although both leadership and sexuality are important and heavily researched topics, there is little work that addresses the interaction of the two areas. Leadership and Sexuality: Power, Principles, and Processes is a scholarly synthesis of leadership principles with issues related to sexuality and sexual policy-making. The authors' multi-disciplinary analysis of the topic examines sexuality in the context of many different kinds of leadership, exploring both the good and the bad aspects of leadership and sexuality.
These integrated topics are examined through three broad areas of study. The first involves individuals who become leaders in sexual domains by advancing new views of human sexuality. The second involves problems that leaders of businesses and other institutions must address as a result of issues related to human sexuality, including sexual harassment and sexually-based discrimination in the workplace. The third area involves understanding how being a leader influences sexual desire and sexual attraction, and may impact the course of workplace romance and the expression of sexuality.
Written to be accessible to both laypeople and scholars, this book will appeal to academics and scientists interested in human sexuality as well as many related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, leadership studies, heroism science, political science, religion, and economics.
Contributors: S.T. Allison, J.K. Beggan, L. Dwight, O. Efthimiou, J. Fyke, S. Huss, K. Lucas, S. Pichler, C. Pitzulo, C. Shakeshaft, W.R. Stayton, M.B. Stone, B. Trisler, E. Turley
About the Author
Edited by James K. Beggan, Department of Sociology, University of Louisville and Scott T. Allison, Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, US
'The chapters in this excellent edited volume illuminate what is often overlooked: leadership's sexual side. From the leaders of the sexual change and transformation movements, to those who inflict their heternormative biases on others, to the inappropriate, immoral, and illegal sexual missteps of so many leaders, there is much to be gained by examining, explicitly, the sexuality of leadership. Leaders and leadership are fascinating topics, but add a dash of sex, and they become all the more intriguing.'
--Donelson R. Forsyth, University of Richmond, US
'The interplay between sexuality and leadership is a provocative topic that people tend to give a wide berth to, like a gorilla in a room. Not surprisingly, Jim and Scott climb on the gorilla, and bring along some collaborators to show us what can happen when leaders shy away from confronting sexuality-based issues within the group, or misinterpret the sexual intent of a behavior, and draws on real-world events many of us would like to forget. Far from sensational, this volume gives us the opportunity to move past the skittishness and finally address sexuality as an influence on social behavior.'
--Craig Parks, Washington State University, US
'Beggan and Allison's edited book fills the void created by the neglect of scholarship on the links between sexuality and leadership. In this collection of chapters written by social scientists from several fields, authors explore multiple ways in which leadership and sexuality can be related, including, for example, some leaders' sexual abuse of others and the sexuality implications of social dancing. I can't think of an edited book on leadership with a more fascinating and unusual set of chapters.'
--Alice Eagly, Northwestern University, US
Book Information
ISBN 9781786438645
Author James K. Beggan
Format Hardback
Page Count 256
Imprint Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd