La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2: de la teoria a la practica presents state-of-the-art theory and teaching practices for integrating reading skills into the teaching of Spanish. The book bridges a conspicuous gap between research supporting reading as a key component of language acquisition and actual practice by discussing how to implement reading successfully in and out of the classroom.
Written entirely in Spanish, the book focuses on the needs of Spanish language learners with the goal of motivating students to read in the target language and work with diverse types of texts and genres.
Key features include:
- Emphasis on the connections between theory and practice, with specific suggestions for successfully integrating reading into the language curriculum;
- Practical guidance and questionnaires for instruction design and planning;
- Ready-to-use activities and an answer key to help teachers implement this important skill in language teaching;
- Pedagogical considerations to keep in mind for further guidance and reflection at the end of each chapter;
- A wealth of links and digital resources for teaching and practicing reading and best practices in Spanish language teaching;
- Bilingual glossary of key terms.
Written in a clear and accessible manner, La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2: de la teoria a la practica is an essential resource for teachers of Spanish at all levels. It is an excellent reference book for language teachers who wish to integrate reading into the teaching of the Spanish language.
About the Author
Victoria Rodrigo is Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics at Georgia State University, USA.
La obra La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2. De la teoria a la practica puede ser considerada como un manual que servira de herramienta pedagogica sobre la destreza lectora mediante explicaciones claras, concisas y practicas de los componentes que intervienen en el proceso de lectura, su funcionamiento y como plantearlos en el aula para ayudar al profesor de L2. El aspecto mas positivo del libro radica en que responde a las necesidades reales de los profesores de espanol en el contexto de lengua extranjera o segunda, en el sentido de que brinda el apoyo y entrenamiento que el profesor necesita para saber que tiene que hacer con la lectura, como y porque. Por eso, el libro presenta un buen balance entre la teoria y la practica. Ademas, desde el punto de vista academico y teorico, recoge las investigaciones mas recientes y significativas sobre los temas que trata, por lo que es un buen texto de referencia para conocer lo que implica la comprension lectora.
- Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa, Porta Linguarum
Esta resena analiza la monografia de Victoria Rodrigo, que ha compilado un panorama completo y prolijo de todo conocimiento que cualquier persona dedicada a la docencia, investigacion o creacion de materiales didacticos deberia poseer sobre la comprension lectora, prestando particular atencion a la ensenanza del espanol como segunda lengua o lengua extranjera.
[...]esta obra de Rodrigo sobre la comprension lectora en el aula de espanol como L2/LE se constituye por derecho propio en una obra de referencia y de lectura obligada en masteres y cursos de formacion para profesorado porque su estructura clara y bien dispuesta, asi como su impecable fundamentacion teorica y su estilo cercano, lo hacen accesible a todos los publicos.
- Maria del Carmen Mendea Santos. E-JournALL 6(1) (2019), pp. 78-84
With a robust empirical foundation and understandable and straightforward writing, the author guides readers as to how a reading program can be developed. Overall, La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2: de la teoria a la practica, fills a gap in the pedagogical literature, providing content that has been overlooked in the instructional formation and training of instructors of Spanish as SL/FL. Rodrigo's book should be included as a leading textbook in the curriculum for Spanish graduate students due to its valuable contributions to the field of teaching Spanish reading comprehension, and its unique and useful practical and pedagogical content, which emphasizes the related culture as an important component.
- Marta Galindo. SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS (2019) 43.2: 64-68
La didactica del espanol necesitaba un libro sobre comprension lectora y Victoria Rodrigo ha aceptado el reto. La autora brinda en este manual no solo una bien fundamentada base teorica, sino tambien muchos aspectos practicos dirigidos a los profesores de espanol LE/L2. [...] Su obra refleja una larga experiencia didactica, un conocimiento profundo de la materia y una seria reflexion asentada en la investigacion.
El libro [...] destaca por su caracter didactico y pedagogico. Presenta tablas y figuras que facilitan la comprension y sintetizan de forma clara el contenido expuesto. A pequenos intervalos, aparece un apartado llama-do Recuerda, donde se resumen ideas principales en apenas dos o tres frases, lo cual resulta muy practico. La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2 de la teoria a la practica es, en definitiva, un manual bien disenado y fundamentado, que solo merece nuestra recomendacion a todos los profesores de espanol L2.
- Beatriz Gomez-Pablos. ASELE 61. Noviembre 2019, 57-59
In La comprension lectora en la ensenanza del espanol LE/L2: de la teoria a la practica Rodrigo advances state-of-the-art theory and teaching practices for integrating reading skills into the teaching of Spanish. Serving as part of a cogent line of research on the effects of integrating reading into the Spanish as a foreign language curriculum, this timely publication bridges a much needed gap between research supporting reading as an integral part of second language acquisition (SLA) and classroom practice.
[...] Rodrigo offers some notes, a bibliography, a helpful glossary of bilingual terms, and answers to the activities presented in the book. In each chapter, she provides a consistent format that includes the chapter's objectives, questions for reflection as readers enjoy the chapter, an overview of ideas, concepts, and studies related to the chapter, activities, pedagogical considerations, critical question appropriate for discussion, and readings that may be of interest to readers in order to gain a deeper understanding of the theme presented in the chapter. The author makes a special effort to relate her ideas to the proficiency levels for reading as set forth by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) and by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Overall, I recommend this book to K-12 Spanish teachers as well as our colleagues in higher education. The author expresses her ideas, and those of others, eloquently and provides useful suggestions for the classroom. One chapter seamlessly flows to the next and provides readers relevant, timely research and ideas to integrate reading into second language classes. For years Rodrigo has been researching reading, and this book is a succinct summary of decades-long work.
- Peter Swanson. Hispania 103 (1), March 2020, pp. 139-140.
Book Information
ISBN 9781138651777
Author Victoria Rodrigo
Format Paperback
Page Count 304
Imprint Routledge
Publisher Taylor & Francis Ltd
Weight(grams) 508g