Offering a methodological panorama for the global community of creativity researchers, contributors provide markers and viewpoints to better orient scholars and encourage reflection on how one might produce exceptional research on the burgeoning field of creativity. Chapters provide insights into a variety of methodological approaches, contemplating their benefits, limitations, scope of validity and ethical implications. As a contrast, sharp and to the point vignettes, similar to parables, are included to make the reader think.
Allowing space for both established methods and new approaches, this Handbook is crucial reading for researchers interested in creativity at all levels looking to adopt innovative methodological approaches and broaden their research horizons.
Contributors include: S. Acar, J. Baer, D.M. Boje, I. Bouty, H. Cairns-Lee, G. Cattani, R. Chia, L. Chiapello, A. Cropley, D. Cropley, J. Dul, S. Ferriani, G. Formilan, V. Glaveanu, M.-L. Gomez, M. Hanchett Hanson, P. Hibbert, R. Kark, J.C. Kaufman, A.K. Kofinas, C. Mainemelis, R. Reiter-Palmon, R. Robinson, N. Rosenkranz, M. Runco, M. Sinclair, P. Sowden, U. Ogurlu, M. Tempelaar, K. Unsworth
About the Author
Edited by Viktor Doerfler, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK and Marc Stierand, Institute of Business Creativity (IBC), Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
'A comprehensive, insightful and informative guide to the elusive concept of creativity and how to research it. A must for all organizational researchers.'
--Catherine Cassell, University of Birmingham, UK
Book Information
ISBN 9781802206425
Author Viktor Doerfler
Format Paperback
Page Count 400
Imprint Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd