In this second installment of the Family Spies series, set in the bestselling world of Valdemar, the children of Heralds Mags and Amily must follow in their parents' footsteps to protect the realm. Mags, Herald Spy of Valdemar, and his wife, Amily, the King's Own Herald, are happily married with three kids. Their daughter, Abidela, dreams of building upon her parents' legacy by joining the Artificers, hoping to offset her seeming lack of a Gift. But when Abi senses the imminent collapse of a bridge only moments before it happens, she saves countless lives, including that of her best friend, Princess Katiana. The experience, though harrowing, uncovers her unique Gift-an ability to sense the physical strains in objects. Intrigued by the potential of her Gift, the Artificers seek to claim her as their own-but so do the Healers. Through training with both of them, Abi discovers unique facets of her Gift, including a synesthetic connection to objects that allows her to "see" as well as feel the strains. Her Gift may also grant her a distinct advantage as a spy-there won't be a building in the entire kingdom of Valdemar with a secret room that she doesn't know about. With the help of her mentors, she must hone her gift to uncover the hidden secrets in the depths of Valdemar.
About the AuthorMercedes Lackey is the New York Times bestselling American fantasy author behind the Heralds of Valdemar series, The Elemental Masters series, the 100 Kingdoms series, and many more. She has published over 100 novels in under 25 years.
Book InformationISBN 9781785653469
Author Mercedes LackeyFormat Paperback
Page Count 368
Imprint Titan Books LtdPublisher Titan Books Ltd