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High-Level Power Analysis and Optimization by Anand Raghunathan 9780792380733
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87High-Level Power Analysis and Optimization presents a comprehensive description of power analysis and optimization techniques at the higher (architecture and behavior) levels of the design hierarchy, which are often the levels that yield the most power... -
Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits by Arman Vassighi 9780387257624
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87In Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits, power and thermal management issues in integrated circuits during normal operating conditions and stress operating conditions are addressed. Thermal management in VLSI circuits is becoming an... -
Research Perspectives on Dynamic Translinear and Log-Domain Circuits by Wouter A. Serdijn 9780792378112
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption and high-frequency operation. The situation is becoming even more complicated by the fact that many... -
Nanometer Technology Designs: High-Quality Delay Tests by Nisar Ahmed 9780387764863
Booksplease Price: £90.27Traditional at-speed test methods cannot guarantee high quality test results as they face many new challenges. Supply noise effects on chip performance, high test pattern volume, small delay defect test pattern generation, high cost of test... -
Power Optimization and Synthesis at Behavioral and System Levels Using Formal Methods by Jui-Ming Chang 9780792385608
Booksplease Price: £90.87Integrated circuit densities and operating speeds continue to rise at an exponential rate. Chips, however, cannot get larger and faster without a sharp decrease in power consumption beyond the current levels. Minimization of power consumption in VLSI... -
Analog Signal Generation for Built-In-Self-Test of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits by Gordon W. Roberts 9780792395645
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87Analog Signal Generation for Built-In-Self-Test (BIST) of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits is a concise introduction to a powerful new signal generation technique. The book begins with a brief introduction to the testing problem and a review of... -
3D Integration for NoC-based SoC Architectures by Abbas Sheibanyrad 9781461427483
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71This book presents the research challenges that are due to the introduction of the 3rd dimension in chips for researchers and covers the whole architectural design approach for 3D-SoCs. Nowadays the 3D-Integration technologies, 3D-Design techniques, and... -
Inverse Problems in Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics by N.V. Korovkin 9780387335247
Booksplease Price: £90.27This is the first book to offer a comprehensive exploration of new methods in inverse problems in electromagnetics. The book provides systematic descriptions of the most important practical inverse problems, and details new methods to solve them. Also... -
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures: A Top-Down Approach by Prabhat Mishra 9780387261430
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87It is widely acknowledged that the cost of validation and testing comprises a s- nificant percentage of the overall development costs for electronic systems today, and is expected to escalate sharply in the future. Many studies have shown that up to 70%... -
Basic Electronic Circuits A. H. Hoskyns 9780419114208
RRP: £44.99Booksplease Price: £44.97In the past, the teaching of electricity and electronics has more often than not been carried out from a theoretical and often highly academic standpoint. Fundamentals and basic concepts have often been presented with no indication of their practical... -
Principles of Moessbauer Spectroscopy by T. C. Gibb 9780412139604
RRP: £44.99Booksplease Price: £44.97The emergence of M6ssbauer spectroscopy as an important experi mental technique for the study of solids has resulted in a wide range of applications in chemistry, physics, metallurgy and biophysics. This book is intended to summarize the elementary... -
Problem Solving For Engineers and Scientists: A Creative Approach by Raymond Friedman 9780442004781
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87Let's assume that you, the reader, have been educated in the basics of science and perhaps some branch of engineering. You have access to textbooks and handbooks, and you are comfortable with a computer. One day, you find yourself faced with a technical... -
PSpice Power Electronic and Power Circuit Simulation by Stephen Philip Tubbs 9780965944694
RRP: £37.96Booksplease Price: £27.46Apologies but we at Booksplease don't have a full description for this book.Book InformationISBN 9780965944694Author Stephen Philip TubbsFormat PaperbackPage Count 140Imprint Stephen P. TubbsPublisher Stephen P. TubbsWeight(grams) 333g -
Design of Modulators for Oversampled Converters by Feng Wang 9780792380634
Booksplease Price: £90.27Oversampled A/D converters have become very popular in recent years. Some of their advantages include relaxed requirements for anti-alias filters, relaxed requirements for component matching, high resolution and compatibility with digital VLSI technology... -
CMOS Current-Mode Circuits for Data Communications by Fei Yuan 9780387297583
Booksplease Price: £90.87This book deals with the analysis and design of CMOS current-mode circuits for data communications. CMOS current-mode sampled-data networks, i.e. switched-current circuits, are excluded. Major subjects covered in the book include: a critical comparison... -
Minimizing and Exploiting Leakage in VLSI Design by Nikhil Jayakumar 9781489985293
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71Power consumption of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) circuits has been growing at an alarmingly rapid rate. This increase in power consumption, coupled with the increasing demand for portable/hand-held electronics, has made power consumption a... -
Power Trade-offs and Low-Power in Analog CMOS ICs by Mihai A.T. Sanduleanu 9780792376422
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87This volume concerns power, noise and accuracy in CMOS Analog IC Design. The authors show that power, noise and accuracy should be treated in a unitary way, as the three are inter-related. The book discusses all possible practical power-related specs at... -
Memory Design Techniques for Low Energy Embedded Systems by Alberto Macii 9780792376903
Booksplease Price: £90.27Memory Design Techniques for Low Energy Embedded Systems centers one of the most outstanding problems in chip design for embedded application. It guides the reader through different memory organizations and technologies and it reviews the most successful... -
High Speed Semiconductor Devices: Circuit aspects and fundamental behaviour by H. Beneking 9780412562204
Booksplease Price: £90.27This book focuses on circuit theory when using high speed semiconductor devices. It gives a comprehensive introduction suitable for advanced students of electrical engineering and physics. The book is practically orientated, covering not just the... -
Design of High Frequency Integrated Analogue Filters by Yichuang Sun 9780852969762
RRP: £96.00Booksplease Price: £89.41Analogue filters will always be needed for interfacing between digital systems and the 'real' analogue world. In fact, the high frequency integrated analogue filter has become a key component in achieving ubiquitous communication and computing. In recent... -
Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign by Joao M. P. Cardoso 9781489988591
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71As the complexity of modern embedded systems increases, it becomes less practical to design monolithic processing platforms. As a result, reconfigurable computing is being adopted widely for more flexible design. Reconfigurable Computers offer the... -
Designing Embedded Systems with the SIGNAL Programming Language: Synchronous, Reactive Specification by Abdoulaye Gamatie 9781489985125
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71I am very pleased to play even a small part in the publication of this book on the SIGNAL language and its environment POLYCHRONY. I am sure it will be a s- ni?cant milestone in the development of the SIGNAL language, of synchronous computing in general,... -
On and Off-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance in VLSI Design by Chunjie Duan 9781489983275
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) processes present many changes to Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit designers. One of the greatest challenges is crosstalk, which becomes significant with shrinking feature sizes of VLSI fabrication processes. The presence... -
Security in Embedded Devices by Catherine H. Gebotys 9781461425199
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71Although security is prevalent in PCs, wireless communications and other systems today, it is expected to become increasingly important and widespread in many embedded devices. For some time, typical embedded system designers have been dealing with... -
Carbon Nanotube Electronics by Ali Javey 9781441942296
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71This book provides a complete overview of the field of carbon nanotube electronics. It covers materials and physical properties, synthesis and fabrication processes, devices and circuits, modeling, and finally novel applications of nanotube-based... -
Timed Boolean Functions: A Unified Formalism for Exact Timing Analysis by William K. Lam 9780792394549
Booksplease Price: £90.27Timing research in high performance VLSI systems has advanced at a steady pace over the last few years, while tools, especially theoretical mechanisms, lag behind. Much present timing research relies heavily on timing diagrams, which, although intuitive,... -
The Verilog (R) Hardware Description Language by Donald Thomas 9780387849300
RRP: £64.99Booksplease Price: £58.95XV From the Old to the New xvii Acknowledgments xx| Verilog A Tutorial Introduction Getting Started 2 A Structural Description 2 Simulating the binaryToESeg Driver 4 Creating Ports For the Module 7 Creating a Testbench For a Module 8 Behavioral Modeling... -
High-/Mixed-Voltage Analog and RF Circuit Techniques for Nanoscale CMOS by Pui In Mak 9781489992208
RRP: £99.99Booksplease Price: £99.71This book presents high-/mixed-voltage analog and radio frequency (RF) circuit techniques for developing low-cost multistandard wireless receivers in nm-length CMOS processes. Key benefits of high-/mixed-voltage RF and analog CMOS circuits are explained,... -
Biomimetic Sensor Technology by Kiyoshi Toko 9780521593427
RRP: £125.00Booksplease Price: £91.65This book deals with biomimetic sensors that can quantify taste and smell - the electronic tongue and nose. Of all sensor technologies, these have been widely considered as the most difficult to realise and the development of these sensors significantly... -
Micro-Assembly Technologies and Applications: IFIP TC5 WG5.5 Fourth International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2008) Chamonix, France, February 10-13, 2008 by Sandra Koelemeijer 9780387774022
Booksplease Price: £90.27Micro-assembly is a key enabling technology for cost effective manufacture of new generations of complex micro products. It is also a critical technology for retaining mdustrial capabilities in high labour cost areas such as Europe since up to 80% of the... -
Formal Semantics and Proof Techniques for Optimizing VHDL Models by Kothanda Umamageswaran 9780792383758
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87Written expressly for hardware designers, this book presents a formal model of VHDL clearly specifying both the static and dynamic semantics of VHDL. It provides a mathematical framework for representing VHDL constructs and shows how those constructs can... -
Efficient Branch and Bound Search with Application to Computer-Aided Design by Xinghao Chen 9780792396734
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87Branch-and-bound search has been known for a long time and has been widely used in solving a variety of problems in computer-aided design (CAD) and many important optimization problems. In many applications, the classic branch-and-bound search methods... -
Electronic CAD Frameworks by Timothy J. Barnes 9780792392521
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87When it comes to frameworks, the familiar story of the elephant and the six blind philosophers seems to apply. As each philoso pher encountered a separate part of the elephant, each pronounced his considered, but flawed judgement. One blind philosopher... -
Low-Energy FPGAs - Architecture and Design by Varghese George 9780792374282
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87Low-Energy FPGAs: Architecture and Design is a primary resource for both researchers and practicing engineers in the field of digital circuit design. The book addresses the energy consumption of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs are becoming... -
Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI CAD by Rolf Drechsler 9780792381686
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.87In VLSI CAD, difficult optimization problems have to be solved on a constant basis. Various optimization techniques have been proposed in the past. While some of these methods have been shown to work well in applications and have become somewhat... -
Solder Paste in Electronics Packaging: Technology and Applications in Surface Mount, Hybrid Circuits, and Component Assembly by Jennie S. Hwang 9780442013530
Booksplease Price: £90.27One of the strongest trends in the design and manufacture of modern electronics packages and assemblies is the utilization of surface mount technology as a replacement for through-hole tech nology. The mounting of electronic devices and components onto... -
Multi-GHz Frequency Synthesis & Division: Frequency Synthesizer Design for 5 GHz Wireless LAN Systems by Hamid R. Rategh 9780792375333
Booksplease Price: £90.27In the past 10 years extensive effort has been dedicated to commercial wireless local area network (WLAN) systems. Despite all these efforts, however, none of the existing systems has been successful, mainly due to their low data rates. The increasing... -
Silicon-on-Insulator Technology: Materials to VLSI by Jean-Pierre Colinge 9780792391500
RRP: £89.99Booksplease Price: £89.875. 2. Distinction between thick- and thin-film devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 5. 3. I-V Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -
VHDL and FPLDs in Digital Systems Design, Prototyping and Customization by Zoran Salcic 9780792381440
Booksplease Price: £90.87This book represents an attempt to treat three aspects of digital systems, design, prototyping and customization, in an integrated manner using two major technologies: VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) as a modeling and specification tool, and... -
UML for SOC Design by Grant L. Martin 9780387257440
Booksplease Price: £90.27A tutorial approach to using the UML modeling language in system-on-chip design Based on the DAC 2004 tutorial, applicable for students and professionals Contributions by top-level international researchers The best work at the first UML for SoC workshop...