The Economy and Religion: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Part One: Contexts Interfaces of Religion and the Economy JUNG MO SUNG The Capitalist Economy and the God of Charity ERIK BORGMAN The Economy and the Eucharist ENRIQUE DUSSEL Economy and Development as Freedom JAVIER MARIA IGUINIZ ECHEVARRIA An Economy that Creates Alliance and Generates Promise ELENA LASIDA An Economy with Room for Generosity NESTOR O. MIGUEZ Jerusalem and Babylon: Augustine's Two Cities in Context MATHIJS LAMBERIGTS The Economics of Natality. A Post-patriarchal Perspective INA PRAETORIUS Re-thinking the Economy, a Matter of Love or Justice? JOHAN VERSTRAETEN From Economy to Oikonomia HILARI RAGUER I SUNER Part Two: Theological Forum Re-thinking `Dangerous Memories' NORBERT RECK Sucumbios: A Conciliar Church Assaulted by Christendom VICTORIA EULALIA CARRASCO Catholicism and Syncretic Religions BRENDA CARRANZA
Book InformationISBN 9780334031161
Author Luiz Carols SusinPage Count 142
Imprint SCM PressPublisher SCM Press