An excellent collection of essays-thoughtful, provocative, illuminating. They make a book well worth reading. -- Irving Kristol, American Enterprise Institute "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited is must reading for anyone who considers him- or herself a political economist, and it should also appeal to those probing the uncertainties of contemporary democratization." -- Philippe C. Schmitter, Stanford University
About the Author
Larry Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University, where he also directs the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. Marc F. Plattner is vice president for research and studies at the National Endowment for Democracy, where he directs the International Forum for Democratic Studies. They serve as coeditors of the Journal of Democracy.
"An excellent collection of essays--thoughtful, provocative, illuminating. They make a book well worth reading."--Irving Kristol, American Enterprise Institute
Book Information
ISBN 9780801847479
Author Larry Diamond
Format Paperback
Page Count 152
Imprint Johns Hopkins University Press
Publisher Johns Hopkins University Press
Weight(grams) 227g