An Equation for Every Occasion makes for fascinating history. People who are intimidated by mathematics, but also serious students of science, will be drawn in by the book's engaging stories. This is good down-to-earth applied mathematics. -- Dwight E. Neuenschwander, author of Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem Written in bite-sized chapters, An Equation for Every Occasion is like a trail of candy that lures the reader to a deeper understanding of the mathematics behind everyday life. I had a great time leaping from one subject to the next, never staying for long. A perfect book for the budding mathematician with a short attention span. -- Daniel H. Wilson, author of Robopocalypse: A Novel
About the Author
John M. Henshaw is the department chair and Harry H. Rogers Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tulsa. He is the author of Does Measurement Measure Up? How Numbers Reveal and Conceal the Truth and A Tour of the Senses: How Your Brain Interprets the World.
The wide ranging essays touch on history, art, architecture, biology, astrophysics, geology, economics, engineering, and many aspects of everyday life. They are supplemented with helpful graphics and written in a lively and clear style appropriate for non-specialist readers, including high school students. Mathematical Reviews An intriguing, thought provoking and humorous book... Highly entertaining treatises for nature lovers as well as science, mathematics and art enthusiasts. London Mathematical Society Newsletter Henshaw's stories about each formula are interesting, humorous, and oftentimes surprising. The range of formulas in [ An Equation for Every Occasion] is appealing, no matter where one's interests lie... This book is a must for teachers who teach formulas. This book provides both interesting stories and historial context to pass on to students Mathematical Association of America From the links between music and math and the importance of the concept of friction to either the success or failure of athletes to estimating the size of a crowd by understanding principles of density, these applications are not only lively discussions of daily living, but require no prior math knowledge from their readers, making An Equation for Every Occasion a recommended pick for lay audiences interested in math's intersections with real-world concerns. Donovan's Literary Services Recommended. All readers. Choice
Book Information
ISBN 9781421414911
Author John M. Henshaw
Format Hardback
Page Count 200
Imprint Johns Hopkins University Press
Publisher Johns Hopkins University Press
Weight(grams) 408g
Dimensions(mm) 229mm * 152mm * 19mm