About the Author
Yves Buffetaut is a French historian, owner of Ysec Editions and Editor of two military magazines, Tranchees, about WW1 and Batailles, on WW2. He has written more than 100 books on both
These twin books by the same author are high-quality...with excellent photographs and an endowment of full-colour pictures of typical equipment. * Miniature Wargames - Chris Jarvis *
If you're interested in the 101st Airborne, and in particularly their actions in Normandy this is a must read. Highly Recommended. * *
This is a well told story and supported by photos, maps, fine artwork that the modellers among us will enjoy along with other bit of supporting information. Great too see this English language edition and well worth reading. * Military Model Scene *
Always good to read a detailed account of one division's contribution to Operation Overlord. The detail is exceptional and fascinating. * Books Monthly *
I happen to really like what Histoire & Collections and other publishers across the Channel have been doing and welcome the opportunity to see their books in English, especially when they cover French subjects. * War History Online *
A fine compilation of text, photos, artwork and maps, I thoroughly recommend this book to the enthusiast, modeller and armchair historian. * Scale Military Modelling International Magazine *
This is is a condensed "Band of Brothers" with profiles of Richard Winters and Easy company as well as the German and American Generals . The descripion of the battles such as Carentan are as clear as you need them to be. I would suggest this series of books Men, Battles, Weapons would be the ideal starting place for sixth formers taking history of WW2 to start whilst still providing interest to the older reader. I am so pleased to have been able to review it." - 5 stars. * Army Rumour Service *
Book Information
ISBN 9781612005232
Author Yves Buffetaut
Format Paperback
Page Count 128
Imprint Casemate Publishers
Publisher Casemate Publishers